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- Neofinetia falcata X sib (white) 2" FS
Neofinetia falcata X sib (white) 2" FS
Neofinetia falcata
species - Japan, Korea, Ryukyu Islands
Recently, taxonomists have placed this beautiful miniature in the genus Vanda, but we have left it under the name everyone has come to know it by.
Neofinetia falcata is listed as a cool-cold grower and, indeed, we have grown it very successfully in a greenhouse that reaches 40 degrees at night during Winter months. However we have also grown it well in a greenhouse that stays at 65 degrees at night. The main elements in its culture are bright indirect light and a medium that allows air around its roots*. The plants can be grown successfully on suitable mounts (cork bark, redwood plaques and even some rocks), but if potted, avoid watering to the point that roots are continuously wet.
The flowers, fragrant at night or in cool weather (vanilla or jasmine), appear Summer-Fall, 4-10 on a stem.
NOTE: Photos to the right show (above) a plant flowering in a 2" pot representing those listed (though as stated not necessarily in spike) and (below), a more mature plant.