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- Chiloschista ramifera mounted
Chiloschista ramifera mounted
Chiloschista ramifera
species - Thailand
This is one of the "leafless orchids", the roots of which have taken on the energy producing process of photosynthesis. In fact, small leaves (2-3) may occur from time to time, but quickly fall.
There is a bit of confusion regarding this species-it is often confused with Chiloschista lunifera. A respected taxonomist has seen examples of our plants and has identified them as Cshch. ramifera.
While listed as a "hot to warm" grower, our plants have grown well with temperatures between about 65 to 85 degrees night to day in bright indirect light with good humidity or frequent misting. Water and feed regularly using a liquid or water soluble fertilizer at half strength twice a month. Fragrant flowers are >.5" and occur mainly Spring-Summer. Our plants are mounted on pieces of virgin cork*.
* Virgin cork: cork bark is harvested twice before it is useable for making corks for wine bottles. Cork from the first 2 harvests is called "Virgin".